Everything Korean

This Webpage is for All korean. I’m a normal first production Amer-Asian Korean. My mom is full-fledged Korean and my dad is full-fledged Caucasian. I had been raised by my mom and completely overwhelmed with all the Korean culture . Unfortunately I wasn’t increased into in a bilingual house so talking Korean fluently wasn’t passed to me.

I’d spent glorious Summer dwelling in a little city in South Korea known as ANJONGRI that is situated directly outside Camp Humphreys. It had been the best summer of my entire life and that I miss being there each and every year since I have left. Fortunately I reside in Killeen, TX and Fort Hood is the largest military installation in the free world. I’ve got access to every one the actual Korean restaurants, grocery shops and ethnic occasions I might possibly need right here in my mind. But I’ll be fair, it is not the same as residing in Korea.

My Aim is to discuss more About my heritage together with my subscribers and introducing one to food, civilization, kdramas and discussing a few of the individuals I follow on the internet to receive my everyday dose of Koreanization! It’s possible to navigate through and find snacks, restaurant and food reviews and articles on lifestyle and family . I’ll also have a direct connection to YouTube so that you may watch a few of my favourite korean dramas together and we can begin a conversation forum moving.

I trust you like this page Since it’s a significant part of that I am!